Posted in sewing projects

Buy Nothing!

My holiday shorts and t shirts are slowly making progress. The original cotton lawn paisley patterned ones need a bit of tweaking around the waist but should be wearable with a couple of co ordinating t shirts made from organic cotton.

And the lovely atelier brunette shorts are slowly being made. The fabric is quite slippy to overlock but absolutely gorgeous to sew! In the mayhem of having a kitchen fitted I can’t find the right size elastic so hopefully good old Amazon has delivered me some more this morning whilst I was out working!

I had quite a bit of the fern patterned fabric left over, but not enough to make an item of clothing with, but I fell in love with it so much I’ve order more from the atelier website. Bang goes my plan of Buy Nothing! 😱

It’s a really hard colour to compliment with plain fabrics and I had to resort to a crinkly polyester which I was a bit worried about…it had a one way stretch and kept catching on my fingers…gardening hands!

But actually it was amazing to sew. Once I realised I could work a straight stitch in one direction and a stretch stitch everywhere else.

As you can see, I still have to get bust darts in for a better fit and I’ve discovered I’ve a curved and sway back to deal with alongside my tummy adjustment…the joys of older age 😄